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- Finally! Now we do not have to keep everything in mind.

This is how Jenny Thorstensson and Janne Larsson in Team Åtorp answer, when we ask them what they think is the best thing about Farmers First. Jenny and Janne have been running Åtorp dairy farm with associated pasture farming outside Vingåker in Södermanland for 22 years.

There is a lot that should flow in everyday life at Åtorp dairy farm outside Vingåker. Both animals, machines and tools must be taken care of. To help have Jenny (far right) and Janne (center), Martin Allard who works as a machine operator on the farm, (far left in the picture.)

With a herd of 100 cows and a machine park of just over 20 tools and machines, there is a lot that needs to be taken care of and must work. When the machines stop, it quickly affects the entire business, both financially and in terms of quality. For Jenny and Janne, therefore, regular maintenance of tools and machines is of the utmost importance. But getting structure and control over when maintenance is to be done is not always so easy.

- Here in Team Åtorp, we are several drivers who drive the machines and take care of the maintenance, so it is not always so easy to follow up on what has been done and should be done, says Janne. Therefore, Farmers First feels like a natural step for us so that we can work with a simpler way of maintenance and service and reduce the risks of unnecessary downtime.

Martin Allard, machine operator at Åtorp nods in agreement.

- It is really a big advantage that it is so easy to use. I keep track of my maintenance directly on the phone and can add comments and notes to my colleagues smoothly and easily. It feels like a boost for the whole industry and for me who works with machine maintenance. It makes my everyday life so much easier because I can plan and structure my work in a smart way.

Martin Allard works as a machine operator at Åtorp farm next to his studies in contracting. Martin sees several benefits of Farmers First that he thinks are a boost for the entire industry.

3 best things aboutFarmers First according to Jenny and Janne

 - What I appreciate is that we save a lot of time. We know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done and then we are sure that it has been done, says Janne. Then it is as we said right from the start, so incredibly nice to have a tool that means we do not have to have everything in our head. With Farmer First, we have a rock bottom and can work with the right things in the right order.

- Yes, I agree, says Jenny and adds.
- Then I also think it is extremely nice that it becomes clear who does what. It creates security and you can focus on other things because you know that machines and tools work when they should.

Taking care of the cows on the farm takes a lot of time. Therefore, it feels good that with the help of Farmers First we can create security in the knowledge that our tools and machines get the maintenance they need, when they need it so that they roll as it should. In this way, we can spend time on other things, says Jenny Thorstensson.
We see great potential with Farmers First. Now we can finally be one step ahead when it comes to service and maintenance. It feels really good!

Janne Larsson, Team Åtorp

This is how Team Åtorp works with Farmers First

At Åtorp farm, they have chosen to set up all tools and machines in Farmers First.

In this way, they are aware of and can:

  • See the current status of their tools and machines.
  • Work preventively with maintenance.
  • Keep the team informed of completed and upcoming actions.
  • Distribute the maintenance work among themselves.